Friday, January 14, 2005


We are Lost!

I have about one thousand or may be two thousand books in my library...99.99% are in English language...on art, travel, wildlife, fictions, biographies, Islam, other religions etc etc...not that I love mat salleh or prefer mat salleh's fact I feel like washing my mouth everytime when speaking in english or cut my hand when tapping all these words in english... but what to do... it's like cancer...this language... it has coursed through my vein and invade my intellectual being... why ? because like many of you I've been educated in english....but...on the bright side...we have to admit that all kinds of written words... from the mundane reference books to the highest literaary writings...theirs are far far superior to our own.... but no...actually our OLD manuscripts are no less of supreme quality..but along the way ...we lost our our writings are next to worthless...I have not read any Malay writings (creative writings I mean) since I can't remember's sad but then again...poor us... we've lost (we eat tom yam, nasi kandar, mac donald, we drink capucchino,) films ,musics the same... we've been invaded by alien cultures...we are lost!!!....

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