Friday, November 11, 2005


azahari is dead

So, finally the demolition man Dr Azahari is dead.. ..and I’m deeply saddened by this. I regard him as another Osama… he chose the hard road….a path which 99.9999% other muslims are loath to take…he knew what he did and he knew the consequences and willing to face it and that he did… i respect him for his idealism.. his 100% striving for his idealism... was he a terrorist?... are the ‘jihadists’ struggling in their version of war for Islam in Jolo (abu sayyaf) or Pattani terrorists??...or shamil basayev in chechya? Or the Hezbollah in Lebanon or Hamas in Palestine?

During the 2nd bali bombing of raja restaurant in kuta on Oct first…the last piece of action reputedly masterminded by azahari…my hotel was just a mere 15 minutes walking distance from there…I could easily be one of the victims… but despite this… I tried to understand why these people did this …I can hardly say that I agree with their method of struggle ..for whatever cause…but I respect their tenacity..their dogged stubbornness in trying to move the mountain…am I crazy for respecting and admiring these people??...

if we step out of our mental prison and put ourselves in their shoes... imagine their situation, their perspectives... we may have kinder feelings for these fine warriors... my heart bleed for azahari...

I wish I know azahari’s family…I would offer my deepest condolence to them…if I know his 80 yr old father…I would go and embrace him... and i'll congratulate him for producing such a fine man... i love azahari...i weep for him.....

Oh …I’ve been looking for the movie the hamburg cell…about those September 11 bombers… but to no avail… from what I heard the movie portrayed a rather sympathetic view on Muhammad Atta and the other bombers…and people are not happy when they realize that these people are human just like you and me after all….

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