Saturday, April 08, 2006


just another day in iraq.....

Another day and another sad news from iraq…

I feel terrible and truly sad to hear news of the continued senseless slaughter of worshippers in mosques in Iraq…I can try to understand and even willing to see rationale behind Iraqis killing each other in bazaars, shops ,offices or other public places (let alone places of military or political significance )…but even I…who may be considered quite extremist in my Islamic world view - I love osama - ( but my world view is more of a confused stew of contradictory philosophies of Osama ben laden’s Islamic idealism, Richard Dawkin’s atheism ,Salman rushdie’s blasphemy and Hefner’s Dionysian earthly delights)…yes, even i can’t understand this madness…

To say nothing is sacred anymore is a moot point but what tragedy to think that humans can spiral down to such extent of irrational madness that even the last refuge , last bastion of sanctity -place of worship- has now become just another arena for murder….

These murders per se may be minuscule in significance in term of scale and evil - can’t even compare to say, the Christian nazis cooking millions of jews in germany not to long ago or (as a nice counterpoint) the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the exemplary USA or Christian tutsis wiping out fellow Christian hutus in Rwanda only less than a decade since or even the ‘collateral damage’ of the very same Iraqi people who are intent on killing each other now ( thanks to US forces, again our friendly savior of iraq) – but what disturb me most is what hatred and hopelessness drove these unfortunate people to go right up into the mosques and blew themselves up?? It’s beyond me… the only thing I can say is that poor Iraqis… my fellow muslims shias, sunnis kurds and all…what hell you are living in now…you have all gone mad…no to thanks to good ole USA and bush who started it all …and who may have been unduly influenced by equally irrational and evil fundamentalists in the us bible belts…(equally mad evil bastards all of them..)…

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