Sunday, September 17, 2006


Fucking pope and popes fucking

"Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Pope Benedict XVI Tuesday 12 September 2006

(These were not the Pope's words, but those of an obscure Byzantine emperor, Manuel II Paleologos, back in the 14th century quoted by him)….

One day after September 11 5th year ‘anniversary’ when the US went troppo marking this sad event with all kinds of memorial services ( and conveniently forgetting the 180,000 dead in the aftermath and reaction to this event …and still counting…) the current catholic top dog chose to make his mark by pissing on the lamp post with the stupidest and incendiary remark that ever come out from a top religious leader in recent years that doesn’t help to mend fences (whatever fence is left) with the muslims…

It’s not only a stupid statement quoted from some obscure emperor who by any standard was most likely just a simple bastard who was quite ignorant about Islam ….but any simple googling the internet will show that the statement showed outright ignorance about Prophet Muhammad’s mission and what Islam is all about…

My theory is that this guy has too much gunk gone to his head…celibacy can do crazy things to you and my advice is …if he is not willing to follow the examples of some of his own priests who happily sodomise young boys or the many popes who screw around and sired numerous bastards over the ages the least he could do is to jerk off once in a while just to get his head clear a bit… incidently the amazon editorial review for sex lives of the popes described the popes as quite a randy lot… “In the last 2,000 years, the Holy See has seen lechers, pornographers, womanizers, adulterers, and more… A lively exposé of papal promiscuity…” Not bad for people that supposedly practise celibacy…

his name sake Benedict IX was a right bloody bastard by any standard but his personal foibles (sodomy and bestiality among others) was less dangerous than the current pope’s stand towards Islam which can perpetuate more hatred and ideological divide between the muslims and the west…

he may have apologized and showed contrition but the damage is done…lets hope that we all can forgive and forget and the prejudice would not perpetuate but we continue to learn and understand each other ...lets mend fences...

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