Thursday, July 12, 2007


men as chicken

as i've mentioned several times before, i have almost complete volumes of GRANTA which i patiently collected over the years . and what i love to do is pick a volume at random and read an article or two, say just before going to sleep or to kill time when i don't have any particular thing to do. and thus last night to keep my mind off the very sad and distressing event of the storming of the red mosque in pakistan i picked off my library shelf vol. 52 on the theme FOOD: the vital stuff. And it is a particularly good volume which has among others, articles by Giles foden's "idi amin's banquet" which i've read sometimes back and as i've mentioned before became the first scenes in a very good film "king of scotland" , Norman lewis on aphrodisiacs, Joan smith on cannibalism a graham swift story the butcher of bermondsey and many others.

but the piece that particularly caught my attention was this article men as chicken by one Geoffrey Beattie .

the story was about a challenge by one lady who ...

offered four men 2,500 pounds each to live like battery hens for a week. They were to be kept in a wire cage with a sloping wire floor. They would be barefoot, and there would be no lavatory and nowhere to wash. The light would be on seventeen hours a day. There would be continuous noise.....

the idea was for these people to feel what it's like to be in a condition battery chickens are subjected to. you need to find the volume and read for yourself what the outcome of this challenge was but i'll say this. a big problem of the world today is largely due to us looking at things from our own perspective and totally ignore and refusing to understand the other side's point of view.

so, coming back to that distressing event of the lal mosque and musharaf the pakistan president killing all those muslim hardliners in the holy place ,this is just another example of one side not understanding another and took a terrible method to solve the problem.

from my side, i weep for the senseless killings of these 'muslim extremists', my fellow taliban brothers...ah yes, i can hear coconuts, bananas and assorted fruits with cnn microchips for brain exclaim ...but they had it coming! why are they creating disturbances disturbing prostitues, burning and shouting against salman rushdie, bringing all those weapons into the mosque, and shooting at the army blah blah blah...well, i too don't agree with much of what they did , but the point is, even imran khan a man who is as far from muslim extremism as can be is highly critical of the way the thing is handled. and of course the bastard bush is the first to support musharraf's action as one would expect.

and coming back to food. i sometimes wonder why the highest proportion of vegetarians in the world are hindus and buddhists in the indian subcontinent. i guess a part of the reason is because they believe in reincarnation and if you do bad deeds in this life you may end up being reborn as a frog or pig or monkey or worms...and you would not want to eat your grandmother if she happended to be reborn as a pig or a battery chicken would you?....

in my calculation it may be fairly accurate to say that if bush -or musharraf who is getting to be his top lackey now that blair is gone - is to be reincarnated i think he'd likely to be reborn as a pig or at the very least a chicken...

i certainly love to eat him if it's a chicken, but i leave it to coconuts and bananas and other pork eaters if he happens to be reborn as a pig....

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